02/25 2月份英語諮商系列講座

Working with English-Speaking Youth and Families in Taiwan全英短講

Working with clients from different cultural backgrounds is challenging enough. The additional stress of having dramatic differences in English language ability can make us feel (at best) frustrated or (at worst) terrified.
By sharing our experiences (our mistakes, attempts, and maybe even successes), we will learn that are feelings are normal, that we are not alone in these feelings, and that there are more important issues than just language that determine how we help our clients.
10:40-12:10 主題2
Neurodiversity and Its Importance to the Psychological Field中文為主短講
「神經多樣性」或 neurodiversity 是一個重要的社會正義運動。它推廣著人類腦部神經多樣化的益處、
The neurodiversity movement aims to reduce stigma for any brain differences (e.g., mental illnesses, developmental disorders, acquired cognitive impairments) by promoting the benefits of neurological diversity, similar to how biodiversity benefits the world. Neurodiversity is, therefore, a social justice movement and a tool for inclusion that has important implications for the world of counseling and psychology.
1. 講師:Dr. Lionel Lee 李宜致 博士;Dr. Silvia Liu 劉璦榕 博士
2. 時間:2024.02.25 (日) 09:00AM -12:10PM
3. 課程詳情與報名表單|https://forms. gle/zM8XgkVHpjxuog8E6
4. 形式:線上課程 (ZOOM, 提供諮商心理師繼續教育積分)
4. 形式:線上課程 (ZOOM, 提供諮商心理師繼續教育積分)
5. 費用:
TMCA會員800元/學生/實習生 900元/一般 1200元